
Main products: Car; automobile; busses; used cars; Cushions; Free call system; Auto parts and Accessories

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Arabmobile-de based in Germany want to help you to seek your car from Germany. We can also help you with transaction from Germany to your country so if you find your car, we can do all paper for you and send you this car directly to your state.. Our Co company is sitback . Sitback is the German manufacturer of ergonomically sitting cushions which has been established in 1998. We startet with cushions for lumbar support and extended our products to wedge cushions, neck cushions, cushions with heating and cooling possibility and cushions to adjust via air pump. Out of the Neck cushion we had the idea on producing a universal handsfree set, which can be used by nearly all cellphones on the market. Our products are all made of high quality foam and fabric/leather. They have also been tested by various german institutes, such as ADAC (Automobil Club Germany). They are patent.

Basic Information

Business TypeTrading Company
Company NameArabmobile
Factory LocationMurgtalstr.27, Freudenstadt, BW, Germany Quzhou,Zhejiang
Main MarketsNorth America , South America , Eastern Europe
Main ProductsCar; automobile; busses; used cars; Cushions; Free call system; Auto parts and Accessories
Number of Workers101 - 200 People
We ProvideCar; automobile; busses; used cars; Cushions; Free call system; Auto parts and Accessories
Year Established2006

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